Monday, February 16, 2009

Deadly Dinner


Summary of Article:
Jenelle Dorner doesn't eat anything due to the fact that she has gastroparesis, which doesn't allow her to eat anything. Dorner has gastroparesis due to one slightly raw meal when she was nineteen. Chickens have a pathogen in their intestines called campylobacter(campy for short) it does nothing to them but can severely harm humans if ingested. To kill the bateria, chicken has to be cooked well, which in Dorner's case wasn't. Along with campy there's another two factors in chicken that can make you sick: salmonella and arsenic. Farmers use arsenic to make the birds fatter and to make them pinker. That's the reason why a only chicken diet is dangerous.But either way the authorities aren't taking alot of action to stop chicken related sicknesses. The regualatory sweeps don't do much. If the plant's poultry has less than twenty percent of salmonella in it the plant passes. So what happens to those unlucky people who end up with the salmonella in their chicken dinner? They get sick, thanks to the low standards of the USDA testing. Burger King tests all their patties and goes to high measures to keep their food safe. You should cook your chicken thoroughly to get rid of harmful pathogens.

My Opinion:
It's really wierd how a raw chicken can completely disable your digestive tracts. It's really scary. Fast food restarants are stating to look a little bit more safe due to the fact that they thoroughly cook their food and go to high measure to stop infection of meat. The USDA should set higher standards for all poultry plants. Who knows what kind of dangerous pathogen will end up in our plate next?

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