Saturday, March 7, 2009

DNA Extraction Lab Conclusion

My hypothesis was: If we complete all the steps then the DNA will come out and we will see it. My hypothesis was correct, when i completed all the steps properly I saw the DNA come out. Ms. Irizairy explained why that happened with her slide show. First the break the fats down, then the enzymes take out the proteins. Then finally the salt pulls the DNA out of the breaking down and it floats up into the alcohol where we can see it.
There were no error in the experiment, it came out perfect. Nothing affected the results. The experiment was controlled because we knew the results.
I learned that DNA looks like feathery and spider web-ish. It wasn't what I'd expected it to be. I had expected it to come out in strands not all feathery like. It says that science isn't very predictable. I can apply this knowledge in the real world where I may have an expirament and I know I should be more careful if the results are not predicatable. I may get seriously injured.